Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Experimental Poem

A few
      Childhoods were great:
There aren't any kiddies
      that are screwed up.
They are calm and quiet,
      Will take advice.
But -- leave --
      Most turn out naughty --
If not worse
      Than us, no better.
Happy non-begetter,
      That is the verse.

Prose Poem - Unknown Houses

     I get in my truck and go. I study the address, one I don't know. Will they be nice? or not? What was the address again? I forgot. I'm mad I can't see their address. I'm more mad I can't see their neighbors' addresses!
     I find the house and walk to the door. I work for tips and nothing more. They give me some money, I reach for their change. I want to keep it I don't want to exchange! Don't they know it's cold? I'm not wearing a coat! It's live 5 degrees out here, I'll get a sore throat.
     I give them their change and walk to my truck, thinking in my head they should go and get... a job.