Wednesday, August 28, 2013


1. My greatest asset is my sense of humor. 2. My teachers from last year will tell you that I am quiet. 3. I am an expert on doing well in classes, then forgetting everything I learned. 4. I want to know more about kids because I am going to be a school counselor and I want to do the best job that I can. 5. When I am 60, I will be retired, but still working. 6. Five years from now, I will be living in Las Vegas. 7. Some famous people that I admire are Justin Timberlake and Will Smith because they do everything and they do them well. 8. I appreciate it when teachers grade on a curve. 9. I like baseball because I grew up on it and it's all that i know now. 10. My favorite class is Advanced Research Seminar because we work as a team and I could be a published researcher when it is over. 11. My friends make me laugh when they quote movies. 12. My pet peeve is when someone passes me on the freeway, but does it too slow to where I have to take off my cruise control. 13. The most stressful thing in my life is homework. 14. If I had 100 dollars, I would either put it in savings, or put it on black (roulette). 15. I am named for the messenger angel Gabriel. 16. It was easy to learn math. 17. It is difficult to learn geography. 18. I like classic rock music, paricularly Against the Wind, Like a Rock, and Turn the Page by Bob Seger. 19. One dish I can cook well is fried egg sandwiches. 20. My favorite place on earth is the Pendleton Round Up.